How to block someone on imo
How to block someone on imo

how to block someone on imo

If you've had contact with chemicals like pesticides and arsenic, your body might slow the process of making platelets.

  • Have chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer, which destroys stem cells that form platelets.
  • Drink a lot of alcohol over a long time.
  • Have a virus such as chickenpox, mumps, rubella, HIV, or Epstein-Barr.
  • Have a platelet-lowering disease like Wiskott-Aldrich or May-Hegglin syndromes.
  • Have cancer such as leukemia or lymphoma, which damages your bone marrow.
  • Have a blood disorder that affects your bone marrow, called aplastic anemia.
  • Your body might not make enough platelets if you: You can get thrombocytopenia if your body doesn't make enough of them or if it destroys them faster than you can replace them. Your bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside your bones, makes platelets. But if you have symptoms like too much bleeding, treatment can help. Sometimes, the condition doesn’t cause any problems at all. Thrombocytopenia is when you don't have enough platelets, cells in your blood that stick together to help it clot.

    How to block someone on imo